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About This Blog...

In a week and a half, Joella begins her internal battle with Mucosal Melanoma. It will be a challenging journey, but one for which our entire family is getting prepared. And this blog is a way we are using to document our journey. So instead of regular posts on social media and multiple emails, we are simply going to put updates well as feelings, thoughts, random observations, rants, and celebrations along the way. To stay up-to-date, please subscribe, and you'll be notified of new posts.

When Joella's diagnosis came, after the initial shock, tears, and questions, we came to two undeniable convictions. First, God is already walking in the footsteps Joella will be traveling. He's already there. He knows what's coming, and he's preparing us and those around us for what will be. Second, and because of the first conviction, we wanted to travel this journey well. To live well...hence, the title of this blog. Whatever happens, whether it be good, or bad, and or wonderful, we want to live it well. Yes, some days will be good...those will be easy to live well. Others will be much more challenging, but we want to live those well, too.

Ultimately, we are incredibly thankful for all of your prayers and support as we have embarked on our journey. In part, this blog is to give information about Joella, but it's also to inform you of ways you can help...we are not going to even try to do this whole cancer battle thing on our own. So, here's how you can help:

First, pray. We know God hears us when we pray. And whether you believe in God or not, he hears you when you pray, too. Pray for healing. Pray for stamina and endurance. Pray for perseverance. Pray for wise doctors and caring nurses. Pray for our girls. Pray for Joella's parents who will be temporarily relocating to California to help us. But don't just pray for our family. Whenever you pray for us, pray for someone else in need. Our country and our world has experienced several disasters and tragedies in the past few weeks, and there are people in more dire straits than us. Of course, we seek prayers on our behalf, but we also want you to pray for others who may not even have food or water or clothes or a place to sleep tonight.

Second, if you live near us, we will definitely need help with life. Meals from time to time, helping with errands, and anything else you might think of. My professional life (Jacob's) has become unexpectedly complicated, and we will simply need help. If you can help in any tangible way, please contact us.

Third, medical costs can be expensive. Thankfully, we have fantastic insurance, but there are several things for which we will need help. DO NOT feel obligated to help us financially, as we are convinced God will do amazing things...but he might be planning to do amazing things through you. If you feel so inclined, we have setup a YouCaring page. The link is available in the column to the right and on the "Support" page.

Fourth, and last, cherish every moment of life. One thing we have been distinctly reminded of is how precious and fleeting and unexpected life is. Do at least one thing every day to make someone else's day better. A timely smile. A helpful hand. An encouraging word. Honor Joella's battle by also striving to live well. Even if you do none of the above, do this one...make our world a better least your corner of it.

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